Frequently asked questions


How soon can I make an appointment with Fedra Tehrani?

Generally, Fedra has appointments available on website. You can ask for her earliest availability through her website contact page or business number.

Is Fedra Tehrani accepting new

Fedra generally accepts new patients. You can ask for her earliest availability through website or business number and make an appointment online.

Does Fedra Tehrani accept my

Fedra is currently accepting only Aetna insurance or can also issue a super-bill to obtain insurance reimbursement as requested.

Can I make an appointment with Fedra Tehrani online?

Yes, you can make an appointment online using website or business number. It’s simple, secure, and free.

What are common reasons for patients to see Fedra Tehrani?

Fedra frequently sees patients for Anxiety, ADHD, Autism, Depression, Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Intake / Initial Visit, and Therapy. You can see other visit reasons and services for her on their profile.

Which hospital is Fedra Tehrani affiliated with?

Fedra is affiliated with San Mateo Medical Center.

What practice does Fedra Tehrani work with?

Fedra is currently offering telehealth, hybrid or in-person visit options at her new office location in Danville, California.

How do patients’ rate Fedra Tehrani in reviews?

16 patients have reviewed Fedra Tehrani. The overall rating for this doctor is 4.9/5. They have a 4.88/5 rating for bedside manner and a 5.00/5 rating for wait time. You can read individual reviews and ratings on their profile.

What languages does Fedra Tehrani

Fedra speaks English and Farsi.